Sunday 11 March 2012


                                  THE JAMI MASJID (GAMV)

-built-initiated by hoshang and completed by mahmud khalji
-date- A.D.1454
-dome porch-16.8m –projecting from eastern façade
-plinth-4.6m high from ground level
-verandah-1.8m deep
-arches-inset with coloured tiles
-doorway of the porch-consists of marbel jambs
-lintel-decorated in hindu style
                       --jali screens on the sides forming bands
                         of blue enamel tiles set as stars
-court of mosque-beyound western door
                             -enclosed on all sides by colonnades
-western colonnade/prayer hall - 58 small and 3 large domes         
-niches-a shallow recess for statues-along western wall
NOTE-beautifully carved crenellation with heads –jamb  
           work in polished black stone –depict hindu style
          -elegant marbel dome supported on four arches    
           ,brackets and balustrade –depict hindu style
-extreme ends –upper apartments for ladies and royal   
northern and southern colonnades made of 11 arched openings
northern side – 2 entrances one from court and another
                           from prayer hall 

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