Sunday 11 March 2012



                              TOMB OF HOSHANG SHAH

-arched openings-at 3 sides-supporting the marbel dome
-interior of porch –plain-except for a band of carved
                              minature arches –blue ornamented tiles.
-exterior of dome –simple
                               -adorned with turrets of conial shape
                                at 4 corners
                               -finial-covered with crescent (a feature
                                imported from mesopotamia / persia)
                               -imitation of parapet carved in
                                relief along its drum and a band of    
                                stars cut in masonary
-inside-middle-stands the mausoleum on square       
            platform—ornamental border with lobes(a feature
            indicating hindu architecture style)
-walls-9.6m-high  from platform
-brackets-row of elephant tusk –supporting chhajja-
                -band of miniature arches carved
-door-half blown lotus-along sides and at top
          -right side-inscription-4 architects of shah jahan
          visited the place in 1659 pay homage to
        the builders of the of them was ustad
        hamid—was closely associated with taj mahal
-spandrels-of rosettes carved in relief
-masonary –blue enamel stars
-interior-square-14.9 by 14.9 –transformed into octagon
               by arches and then into 16 sides through
               squinches-as to bear the load of the dome
             -rim of the dome-ornamented with blue enamel
              main sarcophagus of hoshangus is carved in
             form of a casket with receding bands and mihrab
             -there are other graves below the dome
             -only 3 of which are in marbel
             -west-colonnade with 3 rows of pillars dividing 
              depth of 7.6m into 3 asiles
NOTE-pillars , brackets and arrangement of roof-hindu style
          -at back of colonnade—long and narrow hall with  
           barrel vaulted ceiling –muslim stlye

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